
UK Mobile Sheep Dipper Sees Demand Triple In 1 Year!

It's been a busy year for UK Mobile Sheep Dipper Peter Horn who has seen record demand for his sheep dipping business in the last 12 months.

By this time last year, Peter had dipped 7,000 sheep as farmers were increasingly returning to plunge dipping with Gold Fleece Sheep Dip as a vital part of their sheep ecto-parasite control strategy.

This year has been even busier and, to date, Peter has dipped over 23,000 sheep with demand already strong for the remaining months of 2020.

Peter uses Bimeda's Gold Fleece Sheep Dip (POM-VPS) which is approved for the control of sheep scab, fly strike, lice, ticks and keds in one treatment and which has a convenient 49 day meat withdrawal period.

Peter dips throughout Northern England and Southern Scotland and can be contacted on 07941 551873. 

To find mobile sheep dippers in your area, see

Watch an animation regarding best practice for the use of Gold Fleece Sheep Dip

Use Medicines Responsible. responsible

Gold Fleece Sheep Dip is a POM-VPS medicine containing Dimpylate (Diazinon) 608 mg/ml. For full product information see the SPC which is hosted on the MVD website.

Seek the advice of your prescriber before use and ensure correct PPE is worn at all times.

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